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Visioconférence pour le Presencing Institute GAIA (19/10/20)

Dernière mise à jour : 9 nov. 2020

A l'invitation de Peter Whitehouse, j'interviendrai en anglais avec Edouard Stacke sur le thème «Intergenerational relationships and learning».

La vidéo est désormais en ligne.

"InterHub is and intergenerational and transdisciplinary part of the Presencing Institute Global Activation of Intention and Action. Our intention is to learn in service of taking action together to reenchant civilization.What actions can we take together in digital space/time and real space/time lead towards an emergent cosmodernity?

Our discussion on October 19th will explore the relationships among intergenerational activities, transdisciplinarity, transversaility, and perhaps transgenerationality. After some general introduction to the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research (CIRET)*, our facilitators Florent Pasquier and Eduard Stacke will create some experiential opportunities to vitalize our conceptual framework. The focus will be on deep dialogue to inspire action towards transforming civilization.

Florent Pasquier is President of the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research (CIRET). Following his university studies in social, environmental and human sciences, he specialized in communication sciences, new technologies and educational sciences. This interdisciplinary approach facilitates his current global analysis of contemporary issues, including digital media creation and related teaching modes. After several years spent in consulting, research engineering activities and popular education, he is now particularly involved in the formation of future teachers. He conceives and implements an « integrative and implicative pedagogy ». Hiscurrent research emphasizes transdisciplinarity, transpersonal psychology, digital humanities, and technology. His current laboratory since 2016 is Costech (Knowledge, Organization and Technical Systems, EA 2223)

Edouard STACKE is coaching Executive Comities of international business in

their process of change and management of performance. He trains, with coaching

methodology, the managers to become the coaches of the employees. He was one

of the very first to introduce coaching and teamwork in France, since 1985. Former

CEO of Booster, Consulting Firm, he is the Founder (2003) and Leader of 100 Ways,

organising cross-cultural events to stimulate cross-fertilization between companies,

universities and consulting firms.

*CIRET is a non-profit organization, located in Paris and founded in 1987. The aim of our organization is to develop research in a new scientific and cultural approach - transdisciplinarity - whose aim is to lay bare the nature and characteristics of the flow of information circulating between the various branches of knowledge. CIRET is a meeting-place for specialists from the different sciences and for those from other domains of activity, especially educators. The aim of our organization is fully expressed in our moral project.



  Associate Professor Florent Pasquier  M c f -  H d r

  President of CIRET - International Center for Transdisciplinary Researches and Studies

                                                  Sorbonne         Université      

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