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International online symposium “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND HUMAN MEDIATION” (21-22 nov. 2023 - proceedings & videos)

Dernière mise à jour : 8 oct. 2024

Symposium CIRET-CETRANS (in English) organized by Florent Pasquier, Mariana Thieriot-Loisel and Leonardo da Silva Guimarães Martins da Costa.

Introduction to the Symposium, 15-minute video: Video by Dr. Mariana Thieriot Loisel

Proceedings available here :

ATLAS Publishing, 2024ISBN: 978-0-9998733-8-0 (PDF) doi:10.22545/2024b/B2

Speakers and video of november 21 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Brasília time)

OPENING Dr. HDR Florent Pasquier (France) and Dr. Paul Srivastava (USA)

Prof. Dr. Hubert Landier (France) Prof. Eng. Leonardo da Silva G. Martins da Costa (Brazil)

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Whitehouse, M.D. (Canada - USA)

Prof. Dr. Mirella Tarmure Vadean (Canada)

Prof. Pascale Maestu (France)

PANEL AND CONCLUSIONS Mediation by Dr. Mariana Thieriot-Loisel (Canada) and Eng. Leonardo da Silva G. Martins da Costa (Brazil)

Speakers and video of november 22 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Brasília time)

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Mokiy (Russia)

Prof. Dr. Ndubuisi Idejiora-Kalu (Nigeria)

Prof. Dr. Renata Morais (Brazil)

Bacely Yorobi (France)

Prof. Margaret Hiro Kimishima (Japan)

Prof. Dr. Samuel Lopes Pinheiro (Brazil)

Mediation by Dr. Mariana Thierot Loisel (Canada)

PANEL AND CONCLUSIONS Mediation by Dr. Mariana Thieriot-Loisel (Canada),

and Eng. Leonardo da Silva G. Martins da Costa (Brazil)

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  Associate Professor Florent Pasquier  M c f -  H d r

  President of CIRET - International Center for Transdisciplinary Researches and Studies

                                                  Sorbonne         Université      

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