Keynote Speaker at ARTeFACTo, Lisbonne (16 nov).
Je suis invité à prononcer le discours d'ouverture de ARTeFACTo 2018.

It is the 1st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Technology and Society, hosted by Aberta University, in Lisbon, Portugal.
The inaugural edition of the ARTeFACTo conference will be held on the 16th and 17th of November, at Palácio Ceia, in Lisbon, Portugal. The goal of the conference is to promote the interest in the current digital/media culture and its intersection with art and technology as an important research field while focusing on the study of the digital media / computer artefacts embracing topics covering their conceptualization, design, creative/art practice/research processes, computational implementation, exhibition and fruition as well their role on today’s information and knowledge society. Also welcomed are articles fostering the establishment of the conceptual foundations of an artefact theory in the digital media world. ARTeFACTo 2018 aims at giving greater visibility to artefact creators or interveners, being these theorists or practitioners, establishing a common space for discussion and exchange of new experiences from transdisciplinary humanistic and holistic perspectives while fostering better understanding about digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices. To this end, we cordially invite scholars, teachers, researchers, artists, computer professionals, and others who are working within the broadly defined areas of digital arts, culture and education with specific focus on artefacts / installations to join us. Main Topics: Authors are invited to submit papers and exhibition proposals from all areas related to digital media art/ computer art, with emphasis on artefacts or art installations as well general-purpose interactive computer artworks, for review by an international committee. Descriptions of artistic practices, authorship or co-authorship (narrations of other works), with graphic records (such as images, diagrams, links to dynamic images, drawings, sketches, etc.) are valued. An international publication open to all involved in the creation / visualization / interaction of an artefact. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Digital (Transmedia) Storytelling WebArt and Digital Culture Digital Sound and Music (Mobile) Augmented and Immersive Art Digital Dance and Body Poetics Digital Serious Games e-Learning in Art and Media Studies Information and Data Visualization VideoArt and VideoMapping BioArt, NanoArt and xArt Cultures (Tangible) InterfacesGesture Interfaces Spiritual and Sacred Artefacts Transdisciplinary Pragmatic Performance Generative and Algorithmic Art and Design Digital Media, Apps and eBooks Art and Technology Art and Science Theory Creativity Theory Media Art History Technology in Art Education Paper Submission: This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit their papers in Portuguese (with an English version of both title and abstract) or English through Easychair by the 3rd of September, 2018. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously. Important Dates: Submission Deadline: 3rd September 2018 Notification to Authors: 30th September 2018 Final Camera-Ready Submission/Early Registration: 7th October 2018 Late Registration: After 8th October 2018 The International Scientific and Art Committee is composed of experts in various disciplines. The conference program will consist of keynote speakers by eminent specialists, oral presentation of the contributed papers, art installations, videos and posters of the work-in-progress. Authors of selected papers presented in the conference (including essays describing the best art installations) will be published primarily in the ARTeFACTo Journal (ISSN: 2184-2086) as well invited to submit extended versions to one of the following journals: *Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts ISSN: 1646-9798 ( (ISI-WoS Thomson Reuters – ESCI index, Scopus Elsevier and ProQuest) International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics. ISSN: 1947-3117 ( (ACM Database). *Revista Comunicar. ISSN:1134-3478 ( ) (ISI-WoS Thomson Reuters, Scopus Elsevier) International Journal of Education through Art. ISSN: 1743-5234 (,id=121/ ) (Scopus Elsevier) *Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. ISSN:1646-9895 ( (ISI-WoS Thomson Reuters, Scopus Elsevier) (* journals under negotiation)
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